What in the world is HyperGeometry? It is a HyperCard stack that solves a lot of geometric equations, including slope (it includes SlopeFinder 1.2╤released previously).
Geometry involves a lot of equations dealing with finding out some information about a shape of some sort. HyperGeometry does half of your job. You will usually have to find out some kind of variable to work with first (such as RADIUS for the circle). Then you will usually solve the problem by using a set equation, filling in the variable you just found. Using the circle again as an example╤^2╣r^ is the equation for finding circumference╤you fill in the RADIUS; HyperGeometry takes the variable you provide and solves the problem. Let's begin!
The Main ScreenÑÑÑ
The main screen provides a lot of options for you to choose from. Here's a screen shot of it:
Notice all of the titles. Clicking on one of these titles will hilite the title and take you to the card that will solve the specific equation associated with that title. Take a look at the other buttons. These buttons are available on every card. There are three (3) of them:
* Balloon╤This button will take you to an About card that will allow you to view the
credits and read some interesting info about HyperGeometry.
* QUIT╤This button asks you if you'd like to quit.
* Arrow (dimmed)╤THIS BUTTON IS DIMMED ONLY ON THIS CARD!!! On any other card,
this button will take you right here╤the main screen.
Now that you are accustomed to the main screen, let's solve a problem together.
Solving the RectangleÑÑÑ
Clicking on the "Rectangle" button takes you to the common solving screen. The reason we say common is because all of the cards have this basic structure. Below is a shot of the Rectangle card:
Your learning the arrangement of this card will be the basis for knowing the other cards as well. Let's take a look at the structure of this card. The title of the current equation is always at the top-left. The equation(s) will always below, as an example of what HyperGeometry will be doing. Buttons matching each of the equations will be below. For example, on this card, Area and Perimeter are options you can perform on the variables LENGTH and WIDTH. The buttons "Area" and "Perimeter" perform the operations listed above them respectively. The number of buttons will differ from card to card because of the fact that the number of equations you can perform on the shape changes.
The variables you fill in are on the right. The number of variables from card to card varies as well. YOU MUST FILL IN ALL OF THE VARIABLES FOR HYPERGEOMETRY TO WORK PROPERLY AND FOR YOU TO GET THE RIGHT ANSWER!!! The <<Answer:>> field will contain the correct answer to your problem after you click on the corresponding operation button. The "Clear All Fields" button on the bottom-right erases anything in the variable field(s) and the <<Answer:>> field.
(The following is a tutorial. You must have HyperCard running so you can follow along.)
If you haven't started HyperGeometry, do so now. Once on the main screen, click on "Rectangle." The card pictured above should appear. Click in the <<Length:>> field. Type 5 in the field. Then click in the <<Width (w):>> field. Type a 7. You've just entered the variables to your problem. Now, we're going to perform two operations on these two variables.
We know two things about our rectangle. It has a LENGTH of 5. It also has a WIDTH of 7. But, we don't know the area or the perimeter of the rectangle, and we want to know.
Click on the "Area" button. Area = 35 should appear in the <<Answer:>> field. So, using the variables of 5 and 7, HyperGeometry performed the equation ^lw^ on them. In other words, it took 5 and multiplied it by 7. So, now we know that the area of a rectangle that is 5 by 7 is 35.
Now click on the "Perimeter" button. The <<Answer:>> field is automatically erased and Perimeter = 24 appears in the field. Again, HyperGeometry performed ^2l + 2w^ on 5 and 7. Here's how it works:
5 is multiplied by 2 and you get 10
7 is multiplied by 2 and you get 14
10 and 14 are added together
HyperGeometry saved you the time of doing those three steps! That is an easy equation. Take the equation for finding the VOLUME of a right cylinder cone (click on "Cone" to do that): ^1/2╣r2h^
You have to take 1/2 (one-half) multiplied by 3.14╔ multiplied by RADIUS squared multiplied by HEIGHT. That could take you a while. Especially with a radius of 549.324 and a hieght of 6800. Try that one once using HyperGeometry.
(The answer is 3221556205.075776, just in case you were wondering).
You're off on your own now!
Contacting the AuthorÑÑÑ
The author of this program would be able to program a customized HyperCard stack or stand-alone application. The cost of doing so is very inexpensive and the applications/stacks that are made are very reliable. If you would like to contact the author, or send you shareware dues ($10), use the following address: (MAKE CHECKS/M.O.'s PAYABLE TO "ROBERT M. KREHLING)